Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Writing Re-Start

Four years ago on May 18, 2010 I opened up a blogging account, mostly to give my mom details of a Hawaii vacation we took.  I figured if I was going to be typing up that much info and sending that many pictures I'd go ahead and make it public and if anyone wanted to read it, they could.  The blogging continued for a year after the vacation, but eventually I got pregnant and I saw all my hobbies fade away.  Free time turned into reading 'what's happening to my body' books, weekly trips to the baby stores where I aimlessly wandered around never before realizing how one item comes in 10 different types in 50 colors from 5 different companies, complaining how my hips were no longer attached to my body, loads upon loads of baby laundry, creating a calendar to sort out my doctor appointments/baby showers/registering/professional photos/thank you notes/baby name lists/pediatrician lists/daycare lists, complaining how my hips were no longer attached to my body, nesting, resting, watching Joe build things, eating whatever I wanted and complaining how my hips were no longer attached to my body.  Then the baby came and even more free time went out the door.  You get the picture.  Long story short - one of the many hobbies I stopped doing was blogging.

I've always enjoyed writing.  As a child I was really into poetry. I have a whole book of poems hiding somewhere.  One stormy night, maybe in middle school, I got on my parents computer and wrote a horror story that to this day makes me wonder how I didn't turn into a serial killer.  I was morbid and probably shouldn't have even had those thoughts in my head at that age.  I recently went through an old box at my parents house of high school papers I wrote and found some really well-written reports as well as funny group projects I had no recollection of writing.  In college I was a TV Production major, writing scripts and commercials.  I was also a package producer on a student-run late night talk show where I wrote comedy skits.

Somewhere along the way I stopped writing.  And I miss it.  So I'm hoping this is my re-start.  I hope to improve upon my rusty writing skills.  I hope to entertain.  I hope to mix up the topics.  I hope to evoke emotion.  And I hope to become famous.  Just kidding.  I don't like attention.  That's why I write.  I'm a behind-the-scenes kind of girl. 

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