Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hawaii Day 8

Today is our last day. :( Joe requested a late check-out of 2pm so we at least get to stay a little longer. Our flight isn't til 5:00 anyways so we wouldn't have really known what to do with all that time in between. We went and got our breakfast buffet for the last time (we actually made it there every day) and then went to watch the dolphins at the resort get their morning check-up and breakfast.

Decided to not be outside today cause my scalp is so burnt. I think someone should make SPF shampoo and conditioner. That would be brilliant.

So we're now at the airport waiting to leave the island. It was a very eventful trip! The only thing that disappointed me was that neither the airport nor the hotel greeted us with a lei. I thought that was customary, but I guess it's not to be expected anymore. The rest of today should be uneventful (hopefully).

I've posted more pics on facebook and more videos on utube.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Big Island of Hawai'i

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